Question : Problem: Remote Access - Wrong Computer Name Displaying

I'm not sure how to explain this but I will try.   I am at home connected to my VPN.  I had our staff leave their computers on when they left at end of day so that I could remote access into them to install a screensaver on each computer.  When using Remote Desktop, I am typing the computer name to access the computer.  I have a seating map with the computer names on them.  I recently re-imaged all of these computer and named them according to this seating map so I know they are named accordingly.  

When I log into the computer and go to look at the name of the computer it is completely different.  Some of these computers that i am actually logging into are somewhere else in the building....and have not been re-imaged.  That is how I know it is not accessing the proper computer.

Does this make sense to anyone?

Answer : Problem: Remote Access - Wrong Computer Name Displaying

Well I can come up with a couple of explainations.

1> The names are already used. To verify this open a command prompt and type nslookup . this will tell you the ip addresses of all the computers with this name. To solve this rename the computer.

2>DNS list is wrong. To solve this go to command prompt and type ipconfig /flushdns and try again.

3>IP conflict. if your using DHCP this should not be a problem.

Also a better way to deal with these type of remote installations is to statically assign IP addresses, then use the ip address to log onto that computer. This does not require DNS resolution and therefore is more acurate.

Good Luck with your problem
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