Question : Problem: connecting to a windows 2003 server via a vpn router to vpn router configration

I have two linksys routers befsx4,main and remote sites.I want to configure vpn router to vpn router
then have client computer on remote side access windows 2003 server on main side dsl modems are
both bridged. Router 1 main side with the server config as gateway for server. Server configed as dhcp
and dns. Router 2 at the remote site configure as vpn status says the router are connected i can ping the router from the remote location but can not ping or connect to the server.

Answer : Problem: connecting to a windows 2003 server via a vpn router to vpn router configration

With a site to site VPN you have to have DHCP on both ends.. If it is only a machine or two set them static.  DHCP is a broadcast protocol so it will not pass a VPN without a helper of some sort, like an expensive router/switch.

It is probably best to have different IP address subnets as well so you know which side the traffic is on and let the VPN do the routing.  This way each site uses it's own internet when it is not needing to talk to the other side.
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