Question : Problem: Best Backup Solution

Hi all

Ok i have posted before about having problems with NTBACKUP and i thought they were solved however they are not. I have had enough of NTBACKUP  because it just doesnt backup to files for me. I am looking for a cheap effective alturnative for backups, i have thaught of the following

Handy Backup (
2 Removable hard drive bays with 40GB Hard drives
This will be used for doing a normal backup.

NTBACKUP for Incremental backups to my Travan Drive.

Will this working doing a normal backup with one program and doing the incremental with another? will Handy backup leave the same kind of marker on the files as used by NTBACKUP ?

This is a very urgent question as I DONT HAVE ANY BACKUPS :-s
boss isnt happy hehe

Answer : Problem: Best Backup Solution

I have it working with BackupMyPC and Retrospect.  Former->full, latter->incremental.  I use the Retrospect with a 160 Gb external hard drive, and the BackupMyPC with a DVD-RW.  All is well.  To be honest thought I would rather have one program doing both, but for some reason Retrospect shuts down the network when it writes to the DVD.  I don't see why you couldn't use the handybackup for both.  Looks like a inexpensive solid solution
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