Question : Problem: Apple, Powerbook G4, Start up issues, no lights turn on

I'm fixing a Apple Powerbook G4 and when i start it up i hear the computer starting and running however none of the lights are turning on. The monitor just stays black, the power buttom doesn't light up like it would normally would. The only way im even able to tell it's on is when i hear the start-up sound when i turn it on. Any suggestions?
Code Snippet:

Open in New Window Select All

Answer : Problem: Apple, Powerbook G4, Start up issues, no lights turn on

Yes, that's a good test (boot into Open Firmware).

If you see text on the screen, then it (the display) is probably working but you may have faulty VRAM.
But at that point you'd need to rule out the hard drive by disconnecting it. Then (disconnecting) the optical drive. But neither part is customer-installable and so know the risks involved.
It's doable but very easy for non-experienced (and I mean Apple-experienced) people to break things. Real easy.

If you have the (external) display adapter, use that to hook up a standard VGA display, reboot the Powerbook and see if you get a picture on the external display. If you do, then the issue is the unit's built-in display or display backlight or the (display) inverter. Either way (HD bad or display-related issue), see what an Apple-authorized service center has to say/find.
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