Question : Problem: Computer screen flashing and "wiggin' out" when connected via VGA cable to projector

The laptop, when connected to a projector begins odd behavior. The OS is Windows XP, the odd behavior is most evident when utilizing Powerpoint. The image zooms rapidly to 400%, then flashes repeatedly if you attempt to click on it.

Also, if you are so lucky to get the slideshow in Powerpoint to begin, there is a noise that begins that sounds like you are holding down a key on the keyboard, it is a dull repetitive thumping...oh and then you cannot advance to the next slide.

Answer : Problem: Computer screen flashing and "wiggin' out" when connected via VGA cable to projector

Try changing the resolution on the laptop. Is the projector newer or older? The D620s have only been out about two years. The LCD may not support the resolution the 620 is set to.

After that it sounds like hardware, which is to say the port. Which is to say, the motherboard.

Dell's diagnostics have extensive video screening, which you can try, but it doesn't test a peripheral connected to the analog port.

If you connect the laptop to any other projector or CRT/LCD with the analog port, what happens?

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