Question : Problem: Video/audio chat Mac-PC

this question was asked a few years ago, but it has not helped me solve my problem; which is how to set up video/audio communication on my Mac to be able to chat with PC friend.

Old thread:

I'm running an iMac G3 400MHz OSX 10.2.8, trying with the internal microphone, and Yahoo IM still doesn't have the voice chat. I have tried the iChat AV 2.1 beta, but that doesn't do it either. The function is there, but it's not working for me.

I also bought the Logitech QuickCam Zoom, which is supposed to work under OSX, there wasn't any drive for the WebCam function (only QuickCapture), and the image comes out all black! I am now purchasing a Digital Camera, in hopes that that will work on Yahoo IM. And i would also like it to work with iMovie, but i have been really discouraged by all the setbacks along the way, and the sparse advice that is around. There are tons of handy apps everywhere, but none seem to get me what i want. Chat with a very dear friend. As you can understand i am growing more desperate, and it seems ludicrous not to be able to do a simple task, that has been possible to do for many years on PC. So please give me an extensive answer. (BTW, I am shocked that i cannot get the iChat AV to deliver. So i am even starting to wonder if i need some soundcard, or any other soundapp. Internal Microphone seems to be functioning alright, just not with the iChat)
Thank You!

Answer : Problem: Video/audio chat Mac-PC


Just jumping into your post though it’s gone through several iterations.  I too recently purchased a QuickCam (4000), and have some input for other Mac OSX users. I was able to successfully get things working.  I did some research before I purchased the cam . I knew what to expect from Logitech.

What makes me curios about your post is, you mention iChat AV 2.1 and OSX 10.2.8 almost in the same sentence. IChat AV 2.1 does not work with Jaguar. Only Panther.  In addition to this being a set back for me, (using Jaguar), I found that there isn’t a Mac version of AIM with Video support. The current and latest 5.5 of AIM only supports iSight and iChat AV 2.1.  Hopefully AIM will come out with another stand alone version soon to support us Jaguar users.

Although Logitech support is virtually unobtainable, they do have an OS X Driver download for their Cams. However keep in mind they do not have a desktop video capture application, like their windows installation. With that said, you use third party applications that can take advantage of the Cams features. I understand you can use iMovie in iLife, although I have never tried it. I tried connecting using iMovie 30.3 which is pre-iLife. It didn’t work.

I use BTV Pro. It’s an awesome program ( After installing Logitech’s Driver, I had zero problems connecting and recording video using BTV Pro. I used the Cam as a Digital Camera for fun, though I own a camera.

Also, check out They have a really cool webcam server program that can act as an http webcam server, and ftp your cam snapshots by the minute, up to your domain directory.

I did not experience any problems with yahoo video chat. Though the image was pretty clean, the performance was compromised (choppy) because of yahoo. Otherwise, when using the cam for non-internet (pictures and video,) the quality is 3fps, and good. My hope is that the AOL quality is better. At some point I’m going to be more interested in using Video over IP. A more direct connection from Peer to Peer, without going through the chat networks.

One observation to point out about yahoo’s video. There’s a relativity new feature they have for their video chat called ‘super mode’. For super mode to work, both people chatting via video must be using the same current version of Yahoo Messenger. And, in my testing, it only works within the same platform (PC to PC). That’s right, PC only. Though the Mac version also has settings for super mode, unfortunately it didn’t connect in super mode from Mac to PC.  I was not able to test super mode between two Mac platforms. The super mode quality is better, and smoother.

Finally,  as much as I wanted an iSight, I opted for Logitech for a couple of reasons. ISight does not work directly with other messenger clients. Just iChat. Also, I checked out Creative Labs which offers a competitive cams to Logitech’s. However I could not find the word Mac on their site or on the retail box. To risky to purchase something that doesn't mention the word Mac. Since I already new Logitech had an OS X driver, I purchased the QuickCam4000 and made it work.

Jeff Tronics
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