Question : Problem: Two iPod Shuffles using one iTunes acount.
What do I have to do to get one computer to recognize two different iPod shuffles? Shuffle01 was set up and is working fine. I went through registration process with Shuffle02, but when I plug it in, it sees it as Shuffle01. I un-docked Shuffle02 and put Shuffle01 on the dock and it sees it as Shuffle01. I tried setting up a separate folder but it still saw Shuffle02 as Shuffle01. If you have any solutions I would appreciate them.
Answer : Problem: Two iPod Shuffles using one iTunes acount.
iTunes should automatically be able to recognize several different iPods, even if they are plugged in simultaneously. Just few questions: Are you connecting this iPod to a Mac or a PC? Are you using iTunes 7? (You can check this by opening iTunes and clicking on Help > About iTunes) Are the Shuffles both new? If you are using the current version if iTunes, you may want to restore both iPods back to their factory settings and the try connecting them again. You can do this by plugging in the iPod, selecting it in iTunes (under devices), and clicking "restore" on the summary screen in iTunes. If you still have problems, there could be other issues, depending what OS you are using. (XP, Vista, OSX, etc.)