Question : Problem: Difference between wireless g and N in my own setip

Hello. I have a Netgear wireless router MR814 transfer rate is 11MBPS 802.11B compliant. my internet is ATT  with Downstream Speed: Up to 1.5 Mbps Upstream Speed: Up to 384 Kbps. Now i want to know if buying a better router would increase my speed? since my internet speed is only 1.5 and my current router can handle 11mbps. i will be using a network cable connection not the wireless connection.  Now for my second question. i wanna know if there would be a difference with wired (network cable) and wireless speed with my current setup? my router will be 1 foot away from my imac. so distance is not an issue. now i prefer not to use cables to connect to my router cause i want a clean neat setup. i dont like wires. but if the difference is really significant then i would use wires. my computer is 20 inch imac 10.5 leopard. thanks guys.

Answer : Problem: Difference between wireless g and N in my own setip

Ok. I now understand your question. In fact, even if you would have an Gigabit-Router, you would not download faster than 1.5mbps from the Internet. This is becausue your Internet Modem/ Internet Line is simply limited (capped) to that speed. If you only use your wireless Router for Internet Access, you will not need a Router faster than your Internet Plan.
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