Question : Problem: Conexant fax-modem does not accept all incoming faxes.

Hey Experts! Got in a little trouble here with my fax modem. I use Conexant HCF V90 56K DataFax PCI Modem. I noticed lately that this faxmodem does not always accept faxes. Sertain people were unable to fax me stuff while others could. Well, that's shady, looks like Conexant likes mostly other fax modems and newer manual fax machines, while it would not receive faxes from older faxe machines. Here is a little fax reception test i did:

Conexant     ->    LexMark X63     <-    Cannon FaxphoneB140
FaxModem   <-      Manual Fax              Bubble Jet Facsimile

As you can see from above, Conexant only received and sent to LexMark. Conexant did not want anything to do with older Cannon Bubble Jet. This led me to think that perhaps my conexant is not competible with older fax machines and only works with the newer ones?
Does anyone have a tip for me?!? Why would the FaxModem not receive from any fax source? Perhaps i need some different drivers?
Thanks guys ;)

Answer : Problem: Conexant fax-modem does not accept all incoming faxes.

I'd go with the drivers...I don't see any reason why your modem won't accept from certain sources.  The language of a fax is the same, it is possible that certain sites use different settings then your modem is set up to use. what model is your modem? i'm going to assume CX11252, so here you are:

look here for info on your modem:

look here for drivers..make sure and use the HCF section, not the HSF section:
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