Question : Problem: Cisco Multinet Setup Help
We currently have a single T1 from our current provider and I am in the process of moving to a new provider and bonding two new T1's together with Multilink PPP. Our router is a 7204 VXR with a PA-MC-T3 card going into a 2916XL switch. Right now I have both connections up and I have the subnet our new provider gave us set as a secondary ip subnet on the 7204's ethernet card.
My idea is to keep both provider connections up so I can migrate websites, email, dns etc. but am having some routing probs I think. How can I setup my default routes to route traffic in and out their respective gateways? I tried something like this:
ip route ip route
but when I tested it on one of the servers, it wouldn't work. It would act like it was loading msn.com or yahoo but then crap out. The other thing I was thinking about was trying to setup a VLAN, but wasn't sure if I needed to go through that trouble.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Scott MacDonald
Answer : Problem: Cisco Multinet Setup Help
You could try using route maps, as what is likely happening is the addresses for one ISP are trying to use the connection for the other ISP and getting lost, so you need to set it up so each ISPs addresses are only routed to their respective router. I think you would set it up something like this, but its been awhile since I have done anything like that, as I have a wide selection of spare routers, and usually employ the use of one when changing ISPs.
Interface F1/0 ip address ip address secondary ip policy route-map isp1 ip policy route-map isp2 ! ! access-list 10 permit route-map isp1 permit 10 match ip address 10 set ip next-hop
access-list 11 permit route-map isp2 permit 10 match ip address 11 set ip next-hop