Question : Problem: Best way to use Netgear WG602, AP or repeater

I have two terraced house with an 18" thick stone wall between them which greatly weakens the signal from my DG834G router.  I wanted to extend the range of my broadband to the second house.  I have a duct between the 2 houses and an ethernet cable is threaded through this duct.  I can use the WG602 in repeater mode as it will pick up the weak signal but I have heard repeaters slow the network as they have to alternate between receive and transmit.  Is it therefore better to link the AP using the ethernet cable and use it as an AP?  If I do this will it need to broadcast on a differnet channel than the router? Thanks in advance

Answer : Problem: Best way to use Netgear WG602, AP or repeater

I'd run a pathc cable from the router to an access point. Yes you will need to broadcast on a different channel to keep from having c0-channel interference. I've done this several times with no problems.
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