Question : Problem: Driver installation automation for hot captured ghost images being deployed to different harware platform.

We have 10 data center workstations that we have used Ghost Solution Suite 2.5 to capture (hot) images of (no sysprep).  We are preparing these images to be deployed to our Disaster recovery site...the machines they are going to are a different hardware platform.

The new machines 'take the images' without running sysprep but all the drivers (especially the NIC) are not installed.  I need to find a way to automate the installation of these drivers so that I can simplifiy the disaster recovery steps.  Deploy Anywhere is cumbersome and only addresses the NIC and Storage drivers and forces mini-setup which we are trying to avoid.

Any suggestions on start up scripts that I could add to the images through Ghost Explorer would be very helpful.

Answer : Problem: Driver installation automation for hot captured ghost images being deployed to different harware platform.

Yes it does require a sysprep image, to do what you are asking and deploy to new hardware from software then you would be looking at symantec livestate... which essentialy is ghost but platform/hardware independent

Have a look at UIU it may cover what you are tyring to do

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