Question : Problem: Send Files to a Folder via Sync Software

I am trying to find some type of software that I can send files to about 15 different folders without having to go to each individual folder. I am trying to setup some type of automatic update for Joomla and when they have a release I would like to be able to put the updates in one folder and then send them out to the several sites that I have. I am running Windows 2003 and I think any free sync software would work but I dont know of any. Any ideas?

Answer : Problem: Send Files to a Folder via Sync Software

Lets say your source files are in Server1 and you want to get those files out to Server2, Server3, and Server4.

Your source files are in a share called Source on Server1.

each one of your destination  servers has the target directory shared out as Target.

Robocopy \\Server1\Source \\Server2\Destination /MIR /LOG+:Server2.log /NP
Robocopy \\Server1\Source \\Server3\Destination /MIR /LOG+:Server3.log /NP
Robocopy \\Server1\Source \\Server4\Destination /MIR /LOG+:Server4.log /NP

What this script does is it syncs the source folder (and all subdirectories)  with the destination folder ( on all subdirectories)
So if you add a file to the source folder the next time the script is run it will add that file to all the destination folders.
If you delete a file to the source folder the next time the script is run it will delete that file from all the destination folders.
So your source folder becomes your master copy.

The /log switch creates a log file in the same directory as your script which records each transaction.
The /NP switch hides the progress bar.

You can run the script manually or schedule it using the WIndows scheduler.
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