Question : Problem: Arcserve Restore Failure

Hi all,

I am running ARCServer Brightstor 11.5 SP4.  I need to run an exchange document level restore job from a tape from 11/17/08.  I have the tape, merged it to the backup database and configured and run the restore.  Without fail the restore does not finish successfully.  The infuriating part of this issue is that there are NO error codes in any of the log files!  Without an error code I am clueless as to even what the problem is let alone how to fix it.  I turned on the verbose logging in the restore job, here is what it contains:

20090115 095654  00  OPER Job                      JobNo 5, CPU# 0, PID 0x2c20
20090115 095656  00  Misc ASSHM                    ASSHMCreateSharedMemory: Enter
20090115 095656  00  Misc ASSHM                    ASSHMCreateIPCName: Global\ASJob$00000047
20090115 095656  00  Misc ASSHM                    ASSHMCreateSharedMemory: memset ulShmSize=1336
20090115 095656  00  Misc ASSHM                    ASSHMCreateSharedMemory: Leave. pShmHandle is C990D8
20090115 095656  00  OPER Job                      Allocating job monitor returns 0
20090115 095702  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              FileToStart


20090115 095702  00  OPER isWin64                  Processor Architecture is x86

20090115 095702  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              Japanese? 0409

20090115 095702  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSICreateTSIHandle

20090115 095702  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                calling TASK_TSIMUXSendJobToken

20090115 095702  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                calling TSIGetXCB : MUX_BEB_JOB_TAB_6 [job token = 0x496f4eb2]

20090115 095702  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                exit TASK_TSIMUXSendJobToken [0]

20090115 095702  00  OPER Prompt Message           StartTime 0x496f4ebe, Time interval 60 sec. Timeout in 300 sec.

20090115 095702  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIFindGroupOpen

20090115 095702  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIFindGroupClose

20090115 095702  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              Find group name: GROUP0

20090115 095702  00  OPER Prompt Message           Reset time interval.  Default time out 300 sec.

20090115 095702  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIConnectToGroup Name:GROUP0 Mode:2

20090115 095702  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              Backup/restore privilege enabled.

20090115 095703  00  Misc Report                   Report job description: Comments [(null)], Owner [caroot], Job ID [71], WriteToJobLog [0]

20090115 095703  00  Misc Report                   AsLogGetJobLogPath returns job log name [D:\Program Files\CA\BrightStor ARCserve Backup\LOG\J0000071.LOG]

20090115 095703  00  Misc Report                   Job log path [D:\Program Files\CA\BrightStor ARCserve Backup\LOG\cas_user_logs\caroot\J0000071.LOG]

20090115 095703  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              Called AsLogRegisterLogFile to create job log file aroot\J0000071.LOG>

20090115 095703  00  OPER Prompt Message           StartTime 0x496f4ebf, Time interval 60 sec. Timeout in 300 sec.

20090115 095703  00  OPER Prompt Message           Reset time interval.  Default time out 300 sec.

20090115 095703  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIConnectToTapeEx flags:7 tapeFlags: 268443905,ulMode:2 DeviceNumber:3 ret:0

20090115 095703  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIReadTapeHeader

20090115 095708  00  OPER Prompt Message           StartTime 0x496f4ec4, Time interval 60 sec. Timeout in 3600 sec.

20090115 095708  00  OPER Prompt Message           Reset time interval.  Default time out 3600 sec.

20090115 095708  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIGotoSession  ulSession:5

20090115 095918  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIGotoSession returns.

20090115 095918  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                calling TASK_TSIMUXGetBufferSize

20090115 095918  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                calling TSIGetXCB : MUX_BEB_JOB_TAG_4

20090115 095918  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIGetXCB : MUX_BEB_JOB_TAG_4 returns chunk # 0

20090115 095918  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                exit TASK_TSIMUXGetBufferSize [0]

20090115 095918  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              The restore buffer size is 256 KB

20090115 095918  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIStartSession jobFlag:2 tapeSessionID: 0

20090115 095918  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIStartSession returns.

20090115 095918  00  OPER PortAddress              [ Defaults ] SERVERNAME,, 6050, 0

20090115 095919  00  OPER PortAddress              [ Detected ] SERVERNAME,, 6050, 0

20090115 095920  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              Creating temp file X*.*

20090115 100034  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIQFALocate

20090115 100058  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIQFALocate

20090115 100214  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIQFALocate

20090115 100215  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              ReportTotals(REPORT.C) was called.

20090115 100215  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              LogTotals(REPORT.C) was called.

20090115 100215  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIEndSession

20090115 100215  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIEndSession returns.

20090115 100215  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIDisConnectFromTape

20090115 100338  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIDisConnectFromGroup

20090115 100338  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              ReportTotals(REPORT.C) was called.

20090115 100338  00  OPER LogDebugMsg              LogTotals(REPORT.C) was called.

20090115 100358  00  TSIF TSI Funcs                TSIDestroyTSIHandle

20090115 100358  00  OPER Restore                  Freeing memory allocations
20090115 100358  00  OPER Restore                  restore returns -1
20090115 100358  00  OPER Restore                  _RunJob returns 65535
20090115 100358  00  OPER Job                      Enter _FreeJCB
20090115 100358  00  OPER Job                      Enter _FreeMonitor
20090115 100358  00  OPER Job                      Leaving _FreeMonitor
20090115 100358  00  OPER Job                      Leaving _FreeJCB
20090115 100358  00  OPER Job                      _RunJobThread returns 65535.
20090115 100358  00  OPER Job                      QJobInfo last execution time: 00000000h [12/31/69  19:00:00]
20090115 100358  00  OPER Job                      JobProc returns thread handle 0x680

Any advice for how to proceed would be greatly appreciated!


Answer : Problem: Arcserve Restore Failure


the possible reason why you are not able to expand the storage group under document level, the credentials required for expanding the same is that of a Exchange full administrator.

As the backups have been working fine for the document level, one location i would check is the properties of this user in active directory users & computers if it is exchange 2003

then on exchange server open active directory users & computers and check the advance properties of the user verify if the user account is hidden from Global address list. it would be a simple tick mark uncheck that and "bingo" you are there.

if this is exch2007 then you can verify the same in the exchange 2007 mgmt console under mail boxes highlight the user which is a exchange full admin and verify if this address is hidden from GAL and unhide it.

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