Question : Problem: Read about raid, is it worth the jump?

Asus P4P 800 delux
160gig Western digital SATA H/D
Asus 9800xt graphics
1gig unbranded RAM

Now the question is, I've heard a lot about running a raid array for stability and speed. I think the mobo will support raid but I need help. I am a total newb to this, is it worth investing in another h/d and what other stuff will I need, Also will I see an improvement to the speed of my system, or is it more about stability,
Thanks for your help

Answer : Problem: Read about raid, is it worth the jump?

You could also set up a RAID 0,1 which will give you the speed and redundancy. But this would require 4 identical drives. In RAID 0 you would get twice the disk space (160+160) but with RAID 1 you would only have the disk space of a single drive because the drive is being mirrored for redundancy.
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