Question : Problem: OpenSSH setup on Windows 2003

I'm working on a project where a client needs to send us files using sFTP. The web server in my DMZ is running Windows 2003 and since Windows doesn't support sftp or ssh I researched and found OpenSSH. I've installed OpenSSH onto my server and ran the mkgroup and mkpasswd commands to get things started. When using PuTTY to test my SSH server all I get is Access Denied. I'm using PuTTY on a different box to test access to the SSH server. What am I missing? I've searched all over the place and have tried several solutions without any success. I first want to make sure SSH is functional before trying sFTP but if a solution can cover that even better.



Answer : Problem: OpenSSH setup on Windows 2003

OK done and working fine from another machine on my LAN.  I've installed it on WinXPP BTW, but it should be the same for you.  So this is what I did:
1. Downloaded the zip from
2. Installed it as an admin account.
3. Opened a DOS windows (running under an admin account) to C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin
4. mkgroup -l >> ..\etc\group
5. mkpasswd -l >> ..\etc\passwd
6. net start opensshd
7. Ran the firewall.cpl and made an exception for port 22.
8. Downloaded PuTTY from on another machine on my LAN.
9. Ran PuTTY, and typed in my server's name (port was already set to SSH 22), and pressed Open.
10. I got a warning about my server's identity, and pressed Yes.
11. Got a login as: prompt, so I typed a local user name from the server.
12. A default warning page displayed, and a password: prompt, so I typed the password of that Windows user.
13. Done.  Prompt is ready at C:\Documents and Settings\User
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