Question : Problem: Telnet Hyperlink to IP only opens Telnet Session

I have a excel sheet with telnet hyperlinks to my switches.  Problem is the hyperlink only opens the telnet session, does not connect to the switch.  this used to work correctly but i made Hyperterminal my default telnet by mistake.  Now that works fine, but i dont like Hyperterinal.  The reg i changed had this in for telnet: C:\Program Files\Windows NT\hypertrm.exe /t %1.  I just replaced this with the path to Telnet.exe.  I guess something need so go be hind Telnet.exe like the (/t %1) for hypertrm.exe.

Answer : Problem: Telnet Hyperlink to IP only opens Telnet Session

My registry shows this:
rundll32.exe url.dll,TelnetProtocolHandler %l

as the command.
This was in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\telnet\shell\open\command
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