Question : Problem: Connecting Tape Library to Backup Server?

Hi all,

We have purchased this new Tape Library but for the life of me I cannot understand how to implement it with ArcServe. I have installed the ArcServe TapeLibrary Option but it doesnt detect the library.

ArcServe definetly supports this model and picks up both tapes.

What I'm concerned about is that the drives are connected via SCSI but there is no scsi port connecting the library to the server. There are 2 x 10/100 lan ports for web management on the back and thats it.

I have connected the scsi controller to one tape then piggy backed from the first tape drive to the second tape drive and then terminated it.
(Obviosly both tape drives have 2 scsi ports) This allows the server to recognise the drives fine. But it doesnt detect any library device!

Is there something major i'm missing here? Is there suppost to be another SCSI port to connect the library to the server? Or is Arcserve suppost to connect via lan or something?

Any help really really appreciated as Im a library newb and really sick of trying to figure this one out!

Answer : Problem: Connecting Tape Library to Backup Server?

EDIT: The server connects via SCSI to the controller card at the library. Arcserve should readily detect the library for you

Sorry for bunch of posts :)
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