Question : Problem: Identify AMD CPU
I recently acquired an AMD CPU and wish to know what model it is. It fits in a socket A.
The top of the chip has the following information:
AMD Athlon A1333AMSC3 AXIA0124XPBW 96365450125 (m) (c) 1999 AMD
As there some Internet reference location where interpretation of this information is available?
Answer : Problem: Identify AMD CPU
A 1333 A M S 3 C
Family/Architecture: A = AMD Athlon Processor Model 4 Architecture 1333= 1333 MHz, Package Type: A = PGA Operating Voltage: M = 1.75V Die Temperature: S = 95ºC, T = 90ºC Size of L2 Cache: 3 = 256 Kbytes Max FSB: B = 200 MHz, C = 266 MHz