Question : Problem: No sound in Right Speaker

I've been browsing the database and found many similar problems but nothing exact or that helped solve my problem so forgive me if I missed something before posting this question.

I'm operating the following system.
Motherboard: K8NGM-V MSI
Processor: AMD Simpron 3000+
RAM: 1 Gig
Sound Card:  Onboard Realtec AC97

Ok I built this computer a year ago and gave it to a friend while I was out of  the country. When I got it back it had no functioning LAN no sound and a few other problems. I have reinstalled all the drivers for the system and did a fresh install of XP (also bootable in VIsta but I'm currently trying to fix the problem in XP first) I say this because all of the drivers are less than a month old.  I then bought a new pair of speakers (Philips MMS171/15 i live in China so it's an Asia/Pacific model I believe) It's two small desktop speakers with a sub and a desktop volume control.  I plugged in the speakers but only got sound from the Sub and the Left speaker.  I have gone through the following steps.  1) Plugged the speakers into my laptop (running OSX) and they worked fine...getting great sound from all speakers. 2) i tried the speakers plugged into the speaker plug on the front of the tower. 3) Checked the System settings for balance, volume, etc...using both the XP system settings and the Realtek Sound Effects Manager and everything is set to have sound from both speakers. 4) Checked the speakers in Vista as well and still getting nothing from the right speaker.  I figured I had a jumper wrong or bad channel or something but here's the twist.  On day two of playing with this I booted up in XP and had clear sound in all three speakers.  They worked in all applications and worked fine until I rebooted and have not come back after multiple reboots.  (I also want to note, not knowing if this matters or not, but am able to use a headset just fine. I have headphones that work just fine with microphone and am getting great sound from both L and R)  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Problem: No sound in Right Speaker

i would suppose a bad contact in the audio out plug; however, that is not repairable  :-((
you can try some contact spray in the plug, and wiggle the speaker jack a bit around, but that's it . . . imho
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