Question : Problem: Project Windows Mobile display onto a workstation.


Is there a way I can project my handheld device's display onto a desktop PC? The device is running Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. I am not looking for an emulation solution; I need to project the device's display.

Any assistance would be highly appreciated.


Answer : Problem: Project Windows Mobile display onto a workstation.

I use such a program for teaching medical professionals how to use a PDA.  It's called Periscope, and it simulcasts everything I'm doing on my PDA screeen to my laptop screen (and then, out the LCD projector).   I can leave the PDA image actual size or 2x (which makes it easier to see in a big hall), and I can black out the rest of the laptop's desktop screen around it if I want. It'll also function as a wireless remote for PowerPoint (though ti uses the PDA battery very fast if I do this), and as such gives me a thumbnail of the slide on my PDA. what I really like is I can set it so the comment field on each slide is visible to me on my PDA but not my audience. It also lets you black out the screen for taking breaks, etc. and also lets you do graffiti on the screen with your PDA stylus and have it display on the big screen.  

Connection between the PDA and laptop/desktop can be either via Wifi or Bluetooth.

check it out at:

(I don't work for them, just a satisfied customer--this is probably one of the most useful PDA utilities I've come across. I looked at several similar programs when I started lecturing and this was the one that worked the best with the easiest setup; it also wasn't quirky like some of the others were)
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