Question : Problem: Cisco 1240AG Access Point ethernet port problem

I have a Cisco Aironet 1240AG Access Point.  I received it a few days ago and configured it and it was working properly.  Then all of a sudden I could no longer browse past the AP with a notebook.  I could not access it via IP, so I hooked up a console cable and watched it boot.  I then saw the following message during boot:

The system has been encountered an error initializing ethernet port.  You may need to check hardware.  The system is ignoring the error and continuing to boot.  If you interrupt the boot process, the following commands will reinitialize ethernet, tftp, and finish booting the operating system software:


The AP then continues on with the boot process, but the ethernet port appears to be dead.  I have reset the AP to its original, factory state and that has not helped.  Has anyone else encountered this and if so, how can it be remedied?


Answer : Problem: Cisco 1240AG Access Point ethernet port problem

Hi Bkesting
It sounds to me like the access point has a hardware fault in it. If you have just purchased it brand new I would recommend taking it back to get a replacement.

It sounds rather strange that after a factory reset it would still not work (hence it could not be software related). That is why I am thinking a hardware fault is in play here.
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