Question : Problem: Bloomberg looses connectivity when Ghost Image is being pushed

I have been woriking with Ghost for quite a while, however when i've ran the last few image burns i seem to be loosing my Bloomberg connectivity.  Bloomberg is a financial industry platform that allows our firm to connect to their network via router.  When i pull an image though, i experience no problems.  Since we connect to their environment via router, i thought i may get away by deleting the gateway route on the pcs running this software and push their connection right through their router and not going through my firewall and then our router.  This did not work, the only way i'm able to keep this connection from going down LAN-Wide is by isolating the ghost environment to a single switch and keep that out of my lan while i do the burns, that of course is not practical as my ghost server is also my Antivirus machine. What can be causing this? is it maybe that i'm flooding my network with image transfer? I ofcourse run everything 10/100 mbps and at times 10/100/1000 so i don't see how that could be a problem.  Any help would be appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Bloomberg looses connectivity when Ghost Image is being pushed

Where does your Bloomberg router go to? VPN/Internet, Frame-Relay, etc...
If your software connects on a specific port, you could put your Bloomberg router behind your firewall, and route all the data using the Bloomberg port to the Bloomberg router...
Let me know if I tripped on any network cables...
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