Question : Problem: Restoring with Ghost 9.0 does not work

I am having problems with restoring drives with Ghost O/S is XP SP2.

I have a drive that I backed up to a image and I have restored the image to the exact same drive. The drive is booting in the exact same PC the image was taken from. Everything is the same except the fact that the image was taken and restored.

The problem I am having with this restore is after I login to the computer it immedeatly logs off before the desktop loads. I have tried this with Administrator as well as another account.

I have heard of people have problems with particular versions of Ghost and I was hoping if someone could confirm the version I am using is one of those versions and if someone could recommend a version of ghost that is stable and reliable.

Answer : Problem: Restoring with Ghost 9.0 does not work

OK.  The problem is that the drive letter (DIskID) of the original C: drive is no longer C:.

When you took the drive and put it in another computer as slave, it was assigned a drive letter (maybe d: or f: etc.)  I don't think you should have checked "restore MBR" because you got the MBR from the drive after it was moved and had a new drive letter/DISKID.

You need to clear the DosDevices registry entries for the non-c drives.  The registry from the computer you can't logon to.  That can be done with BartPE remote registry editor.  However, an easier way is the just clear the DiskID of the HD that won't logon now.  Do that by using Method#3 (booting the pc from Windows 98 floppy and fdisk /mbr) which clears the field.  That way after the fdisk, when you reboot this from XP, it won't recognize the drive and should assign it to c:.

This is a confusing XP problem, not Ghost.  XP tries to remember the drive letter of any disk that was inserted by recording the drive signature and putting it in the DiskID field.

Let me know if Method #3 works.
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