Question : Problem: WebApps vs SDK

I need a good article or document that lists the pros and cons of developing iTouch / iPhone apps as WebApps vs. using the SDK.

Answer : Problem: WebApps vs SDK

There won't be a difference in the answer whatever  platform is involved.

If you are using  web stuff you have  a very different programming model. As you know HTTP is stateless and can just be tricked into keeping state. I guess there must be a reason for the AJAX hype....

It should be clear that the Platform based solution, can use  the resources of the system much better. You do not need x different packages installed to run an executable.

The whole UI stuff is much better supported in the SDK based solutions, and it will be faster and fit better the UI expectations on has on a certain platform.

So in short Web works more platform independent you "just" need a decent browser, the SDK solutions fits the expectations much more. I would expect also that  the native stuff will run much smooter and much more efficient.

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