Question : Problem: suspicion of virus causing bluesceens and inturn preventing boot up or repairs

Hi. i am working on a clients computer which has XP Home, 4 GB at 667 of knigston RAM (4 x 1GB sticks) an e6600 CPU... the problem is this: after scanning with superanti spyware i found and deleted antivirus 2009, the computer restarted and bluescreened before the XP Home splash screen saying  c000021a FATAL SYSTE ERROR i tried booting in safe mode and every other option on that screen bu got the same bluescreen. i tried booting form the XP Home disk but before i could even get thru to any options (repair, format reinstall etc) i got a bluecreen saying SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED 0x000006f (0x00000070, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x0000000) i tried again and got thru, started a full system repair but it failed when certain files couldnt be copied so i tried again but got the SESSION3 BSOD as before. i cant do a chkdsk /r     because the admin password has somehow been changed when i try and access the windows directory. ive swapped out RAM M/B and tried a brand new HDD (which also bluescreened) any help for this problem would be hugely appreciated as i am pretty much out of ideas...thanks

Answer : Problem: suspicion of virus causing bluesceens and inturn preventing boot up or repairs

Hello beefstu123
according to the details you have provided other xperts, it sounds like as (nobus) said you probably have swapped some new bad parts...

As for changing the Hard disk with a brand new one, this should mean that you have to forget about the Virus issue.
The only thing which you have to think about now is hardware, I believe there's some kind of in-computability between the hardware components you have installed.

* Have you tried a new CD/DVD Rom ? Did you test the Windows CD on different machines if it boots up and can enter into the XP setup program..

[[ Text referencing illegal software removed by PenguinMod, EE Moderator ]]

Hope this helps
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