Question : Problem: Is there anything else I can try to get this drive to boot or access the data?

This family's WinXP Sp2 Home Dell  Dimension 4600 series was working fine and the other day it was shut off and the next day it was powered on to a "blue screen" msg of;UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME (STOP: 0X000000ED (0X81F15720, 0XC000007F, 0X00000000, 0X00000000)).   They failed in every way to protect the PC and network and have now lost all their pictures, kids' iTunes songs, homeowork papaers etc.  My goal is to get their files off this disk even if it has to be rebuilt.  I've done the following; 1) I ran some built-in utilities from the PC but, nothing was dectected as a problem.
2) Tried to boot off WinPE2.0 disk and change drive to C: where I get a message; " C:\ is not accessible.  There is not enough space on the disk".
3) Took the system home and hooked up this drive as a slave to my PC where is shows up as a healthy 74GB disk (F:) but, the properties of it in disk manager show the file system as RAW with 0 bytes of free and used space.  The drive shows that all the space is used, within Disk Manager when I look at the properties of the drive.
4) Put the drive back in the original PC and ran Chkdsk /r from Recoverly Console which ran for 4hrs to no avail.
5) I finally ran a FIXBOOT and it said ; {Target partition is C:.  Are you sure you want to write a new boot scector to the partition C:?. } Typed 'Y' and enter and response was; {The file system on the startup partition is UNKNOWN.  FIXBOOT is attempting to detect the file system type.  The boot sector is CORRUPT.  FIXBOOT is attempting to detect the file system type. The parition is using the NTFS file syste.  FIXBOOT is writing a new boot sector.  The boot sector was successfully written.}  I reboot the system and it still fails with same UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME message.

If I can't get the data myself can someone recommend a professional service that can?

Answer : Problem: Is there anything else I can try to get this drive to boot or access the data?

Check this question
for some info using GetDataBack
For professional recovery, try Gillware
Random Solutions  
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