Question : Problem: VGA to LCD TV

I have a computer the VGA of which is run to a box that converts it to RCA outputs. The RCA is run to inputs on my LCD TV. The output is poor, I believe because the current, and lowest available, resolution setting on my computer is 800x600. My understanding is that RCA is limited to 600x480, and I guess the converter box is converting the signal down, and the result is poor readability on the screen.

The TV also has Component video inputs. Is there a converter available to go from VGA to Component video? What kind of signal can the Component video cable carry, better than 600x480? What is my best option here?


Answer : Problem: VGA to LCD TV

Yes, there are boxes that will convert vga to component.  I saw one at Radio Shack the other day ( but would imagine you could find one at a Best Buy or Circuit City as well.

The picture will definitely be better than RCA but by how much depends on a lot of factors.  I guess it would not hurt to buy one and try it out.  If you get it from a place in town I am guessing it would be easy to return.

As far as your "best option"...I would say it would be to avoid the converter box all together.  This would require buying a video card that has component outs built into it (or DVI/HDMI if your LCD has that).  Hard to find and not usually cheap though.  But they do exist (I have one and the picture is very good on my 34" HDTV).
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