Question : Problem: Can't get my ip address to renew correctly - 500 points

Long story short ... PC was infected with many viruses to the point that the PC would not even start (Blue Screen of Death at startup).  Removed hard drive, put in a backup PC and used McAfee to clean the drive.  Put the drive back in PC and system started.  However, cannot access the internet.  Tried a few things and thought maybe there was some corruption with the OS so I did a OS Repair (running Windows XP Home).  Repair finished with no errors.  Still cannot connect to the internet.  I am connecting directly to a Linksys router and the Link light on the router is lit.  I am able to connect a different PC to the router using the same cable and same port on the router and it works fine so I'm confident the problem is not with the router.  Here is the status of various things:

Device Manager: Shows no errors for the NIC.  Even went so far as to disable the NIC on the motherboard, restart windows so the NIC no longer displayed, shutdown and re-enabled the NIC but still cannot access internet.  Device shows connected but no IP address assigned.

Results of ipconfig /all:
Host Name: kelly-wwwc66swck
Primary DNS Suffix:
Nodetype: Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled: No
WINS Proxy Enabled: No
Connection-specific DSN Suffix:
Description: Intel (R) PRO/100 VE Network connection
Physical Address: 00-07-E9-CF-A0-6E
DHCP Enabled: Yes
Autoconfiguration enabled: Yes
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DHCP Server:

Under Network Connections, Local Area Connection, TCP/IP Properties:
Obtain IP Automatically
Obtain DNS AUtomatically
DHCP Enabled
NetBios Setting: Default

Results of Repair (from Network Connections, Right Click on Local Area Connection):
Repair failed with the following errors: Renewing IP Address, Refreshing DHCP leases and re-registering DNS Names

Results of ipconfig /renew:
An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection: The system cannot find the file specified.

Results of netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt
Initialization function InitHelperDLL in IPMONTR.DLL failed to start with error code 11003

I'm out of ideas and could use all the help I can get.

Answer : Problem: Can't get my ip address to renew correctly - 500 points

Might try system file check utility:
- Command prompt
- SFC /scanonce

You could also try uninstalling all the networking components:
- Control Panel
  - Networking
    - Uninstall all component items for the adapter.
Then re-install them.

After being stuffed that bad by viruses, I would probably consider a fresh install however.
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