Question : Problem: Wireless Connection failed after Microsoft Update - XP and Windows 2k

I have 2 wireless laptops that had good wireless connections to my home network.  One was a W2K and the other was a Windows XP.  I let microsoft up date the system software on both machines.  When I rebooted, neither would connect.  The icon on the task bar(?) showed good wireless strength on both machines.    Other software shows good connections as well.  Yet I cannot connect to the internet in IE or in Firefox   Can you help me repair these problems?

Answer : Problem: Wireless Connection failed after Microsoft Update - XP and Windows 2k


Try opening a command window (Start->Run, CMD [Enter]) and running

netsh int ip reset c:\tcpresetlog.txt

when that's done, reboot and try to connect again.  Then do the same on the Win2k machine if that fixes it for the XP machine.
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