Question : Problem: SAP backups failing intermittently using Backup Exec

Hi Folks,

Currently backing up our production SAP server using backup Exec. Lately it has been failing intermittently and i cannot work out why. We use the SGMON utility during the backup window to slow things down. I have managed to catch where the backup fails and need some help in working out what it means. This is the error:

bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:31: Return from CBemSapEngine::RequestFileBackupPermission ( \\EARSAP\G$\oracle\EAM\saparch\ARC18541.1 )
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: Abort Detected!
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: LP_ENV::MsgError: error 0xffffdfbe processing object
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: Abort Detected!
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: TF xfer time = 45 seconds.
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: WRITE:  tpreceive_fail_count = 17
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: WRITE:  waiting_on_buffers_count = 8
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: WRITE:  buffers_written_count = 35512
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: TF_GetNextTapeRequest( ) Error = -569
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: TF_CloseSet()
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:31: TF_NDMPGetResult(): MediaServer thread done, returning TFLE -522
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: Fatal error in channel.
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:31: NDMPEngine::MessagePumpAndWaitForResults(): TF_NDMPGetResult() returned -522
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: Detach from \\EARSAP\G$
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: TF_FreeDriveContext( 1A70780 )
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: TF_FreeTapeBuffers: from 10 to 0 buffers
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:31: Job Stop(0)  - Mon Oct 13 22:10:31 2008
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:31:  data halted: SUCCESSFUL
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:31: NDMPEngine: Shutting down.
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:32: WriteEndSet( 1 ) returning 0
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:35: WriteEndSet( 1 ) returning 0
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:35: WriteEndSet( 0 ) returning 0
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:35: HARDWARE COMPRESSION ===> Setting compression off.
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:35: TF_CloseSet
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:35: Error detected
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:35: FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:10:35: NDMPEngine::Run(): ProcessBSD() returned -522
beremote:  7d8 10/13/2008 22:10:35: DS_CloseSelectionService
VxSvc: PollEnclosureInfo 0
VxSvc: Call SCSI PASSthru
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98 returned OK
VxSvc: EnclosureInfo switch default
VxSvc: EnclosureInfo switch default
VxSvc: Call SCSI PASSthru
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98 returned OK
VxSvc: PollEnclosureInfo end
VxSvc: PollEnclosureInfo 0
VxSvc: Call SCSI PASSthru
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98 returned OK
VxSvc: EnclosureInfo switch default
VxSvc: EnclosureInfo switch default
VxSvc: Call SCSI PASSthru
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98 returned OK
VxSvc: PollEnclosureInfo end
VxSvc: PollEnclosureInfo 0
VxSvc: Call SCSI PASSthru
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98 returned OK
VxSvc: EnclosureInfo switch default
VxSvc: EnclosureInfo switch default
VxSvc: Call SCSI PASSthru
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98
VxSvc: ProMegaLibCommand: 98 returned OK
VxSvc: PollEnclosureInfo end
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:11:12: RewindDrive mover ret = 0 (0x0)
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:11:12:   ret_val = 0
pvlsvr: [4208] 10/13/08 22:11:12 AdammSession::Execute( ADAMM_SESSION_EXECUTE_MOVER_RELEASE )
        Session = {B1B1F742-45BF-44FE-B838-3AC3B7C22668}
pvlsvr: [4096] 10/13/08 22:11:12 AdammSession::Execute( ADAMM_SESSION_EXECUTE_MOVER_RELEASE )
        Session = {B1B1F742-45BF-44FE-B838-3AC3B7C22668}
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:11:12: TAPEALERT: Get TapeAlert Flags Return Code = 0X0
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:11:12: TAPEALERT: TapeAlert Device Flag  = 0X0
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:11:12: TAPEALERT: TapeAlert Changer Flag = 0X0
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:11:12: TF_FreeDriveContext( 1FFE9B0 )
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:11:12: TF_FreeTapeBuffers: from 2 to 0 buffers
pvlsvr: [4096] 10/13/08 22:11:12 AdammSession::Execute( ADAMM_SESSION_EXECUTE_MOVER_DISMOUNT )
        Session = {B1B1F742-45BF-44FE-B838-3AC3B7C22668}
        Flags = 0x00000000
pvlsvr: [4096] 10/13/08 22:11:12 AdammSession::DismountMedia()
        Session = {B1B1F742-45BF-44FE-B838-3AC3B7C22668}
        Library = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, ""
        Slot = 0000
        Drive = {A31D3771-2976-4C4F-A9A2-6BCE5F187258}, "DELL 1"
        Media = {FF45DE68-F194-11D6-8115-000347961EFE}, "000053L1"
        Side = 0001
pvlsvr: [4096] 10/13/08 22:11:12 PvlDrive::DismountMedia()
        Session = {B1B1F742-45BF-44FE-B838-3AC3B7C22668}
        Drive = {A31D3771-2976-4C4F-A9A2-6BCE5F187258}, "DELL 1"
        Slot = 4294967295
        Side = 4294967295
bengine:  a08 13/10/2008 22:11:12: DeviceManager: dismount event fired
bengine:  a08 13/10/2008 22:11:12: DeviceManager: processing pending requests
bengine:  a08 13/10/2008 22:11:12: DeviceManager: going to sleep for 900000 msecs
pvlsvr: [4208] 10/13/08 22:11:12 AdammSession::Release()
        Session = {B1B1F742-45BF-44FE-B838-3AC3B7C22668}
bengine:  a38 13/10/2008 22:11:12: Job thread terminating

Any pointers would be most appreciated.

Many thanks,


Answer : Problem: SAP backups failing intermittently using Backup Exec

I would be opening a call with Symantec (they still own BE?). The abort detected occurs right after the line. I can't find anything on the error number 0xfffffdfd that relates to your issue. Is this the same error no matter what the backup fails on?

If you change the drive I would also change the cable at the same time but if you have a spare its probably worth trying but if it does not work are you able to use that as your backup device for some time? You don't really want to shut the system down to test it and then have to shutdown again to change it back in quick succession. Better yet can you connect both drives at the same time?

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