Question : Problem: VPN connection timeout

Hey experts,

I am using Cisco VPN Client, and I am always getting disconnected after four hours.
Is there anyway that I could do to keep connected more than four hours?

I heard that you could use batch files to ping the VPN tunnel every several second to
keep the connection up,but how to do this? I am new in using the VPN client, and
I really need some detail instructions.

Thanks a lot!


Answer : Problem: VPN connection timeout

To make a .bat file, go to start->run, type in "notepad". In notepad, type in either one of the two;
1. ping - this needs to be changed to the IP address of the server in which you connect to.
2. ping - this needs to be changed to the name of the site you connect to.
Next you will need to save the file, go to file->save as. in the "save as type" drop down choose all files. then type in the "file name" box ping.bat. Make sure you save it in a place you can get to, like your desktop.
To find the above needed information, open your cisco vpn, in the "host" section it will either display an IP address like or it will display a name like

Hope this helps ;)
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