Question : Problem: After burning a multisession DVD, some data is not reachable

I recorded a DVD with Nero 7 on WinXPPro.
When recording for the first time, I started a multisession.
On second (or third, I'm not quite sure) recording of the same DVD, I accidentally started a new multisession.

Now, I cant reach all data on this DVD. Actually, I can reach only the latest recorded, but the previous one I cant.
In the meantime, I upgraded to Vista, but still no change.
(I think it has nothing to do with the OS...)

Any solution how to reach all data on this DVD?

Answer : Problem: After burning a multisession DVD, some data is not reachable


I believe you should be able to recover the data - yes. The data is still on the disk, just marked as 'unreadable' by the file system on the disk.

One tool I do know of is ISO Buster : This is freeware/shareware, so might do what you want for free if you're lucky. Basically should let you view and extract data from the previous hidden sessions on the disk. Download it and give it a go.

Hope this helps
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