Question : Problem: Slaving Hard Drives

I have a pentium 166 mhz with a 1 gig western digital caviar 2100 hard drive and i want to add a quantum fireball 3.2 gig hard drive slaved to the original western digital drive. the original 1 gig hard drive has windows 95 installed on it. the quantum fireball in new. I do not have any  manuals for either hard drive and I am a novice computer person. How do I go about installing and slaving this drive? What hardware and/or software do I need? I live in the Phoenix, Az area and need help.

Answer : Problem: Slaving Hard Drives

The answer is simple.
You need to set the WD to master (there is a jumper on it
if you dont know which jumper..then goto and find
it out) You then need to set the fireball to slave (the
same applies here.. most of the time the
hardrive itself will tell you)
Once they are connected you need to format the new D drive.
You can fdisk it and partition it to to drives if you want or
use fat32 and have 1 big drive.
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