Question : Problem: MacBook Pro stuck at Grey Apple Screen

I have tried holding down shift, this does nothing.
I have held down apple+s and done fsck -f , this method says the HardDrive is fine.
I do not have an OSX disc handy, it's at work, for repairing disk permissions.

Basically it loads up to Apple Logo with spinning circle.  Waits for like 2 minutes, then just goes blank and restarts, I let it do it 5 times before I just gave up.

Any ideas on what else I could try?

Answer : Problem: MacBook Pro stuck at Grey Apple Screen

Well, if you are still at home then you can't do an archive and install as you will still need to get back to work to get the disks. An archive and install will likely work but it is kind of a nuclear option. It is what the low level tier of Apple Care Techs will always suggest for any of a wide variety of complaints when their limited knowledge base and alloted time to get you off the phone is used up. As far as Apple Jack goes, that was me looking down the road for you as I knew you would have to get your installation to boot before you could install it. Since it is still the weekend, run over to Best Buy or Circuit city and buy a firewire cable. Then connect the two Macbooks with the good one up and running. Next, power on the buggy one while holding down the t key. After a bit the buggy one will display a big orangy t shape and then the HD of the buggy one will appear on your desktop. You can then run disk utility on it. The difference is that the target mode drive is completely dismounted so disk utility can work on the most basic structures of the drive. You can also check the smart status of the drive. You may also be able to install Apple Jack to the buggy one while linked this way. I can't promise that, though, as I have never tried that in particular myself but you could try running the installer and see if it lets you select your target drive as a valid installation disk.
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