Question : Problem: How can i fix an NMI parity fault

All of a sudden i got this nmi parity fault. I had 4x 512mb memory installed in the server and i took out 2x512mb and the error went away.

Since i knew that 2x512mb wasnt enough, i purchased 4x1gb kingston ktM503772g and installed them. Within 20 minutes, i got the same error. I put back in the 2x512mb original memory and left in the 4x1gb and it happened again.

I have since taken out 2x1gb and now have 2x512mb and 2x1gb memory. It has now been about 20 minutes so i am hoping it lasts but i need to be sure.

I need for this to be stabillized.

Answer : Problem: How can i fix an NMI parity fault

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