Question : Problem: No sound even with drivers installed.. ??

I just did a restore for one of my clients computers, he goofed it up and it became wiped. However I had to reinstall some drivers, including the sound driver, and everything checked out except the audio. Basically after going to the dell website and installing the appropriate drivers for the integrated audio it still won't work. Device manager shows all detected audio devices as functional, but the sound applet under control panel says "No Sound Devices". I've never seen this.. the drivers are here.. manager says its functional.. but I still can't use the sound. Not sure if this info will help but he also installed a new hard drive himself, I've heard of rare situations where sound won't work because of improper jumper settings but I doubt he messed with those as this is only drive in the pc and I'm sure the new drive came as master or cable select.

What gives?

Answer : Problem: No sound even with drivers installed.. ??

The other issue I sometimes get with Dell Desktops is they seem to be very fussy about what order you load the Mobo drivers - there's an "offical" list  somewhere on the Dell Suport site about this.  Once I simply ran them in the order they were on the support disk and although everything appeared OK in Device Manager I could get neither soundcard or NIC to behave properly - eventually Dell told me the drivers were installed in the wrong order - solution? Reinstall Windows and then install the drivers in the correct order sir!  :(
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