Question : Problem: Computer specs P4 3.4 vs 1.86 core 2 specs

I need to know if it will be worth switching a computer for a user. They are currently using a P4 3.4 Ghz with 1GB Ram.
There is an extra computer with a 6320 1.86 Core 2 and 1Gb of ram. They want this computer to replace the P4. I don't know if there is going to be any big difference.
Can someone help me out.

Answer : Problem: Computer specs P4 3.4 vs 1.86 core 2 specs

In my opinion, any core 2 is superior to a P4. As soon as you try to do two things at once you'll notice the difference in the core 2 processors.

If it's going to be a significant difference depends all on how the user's using the computer. If they just poke around on IE and look at facebook, there won't be much difference. If the do real work on the computer I think they'll be thankful for it.

But it's a different hardware architecture. You will have to reinstall windows and your programs.
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