Question : Problem: How to record any audio coming through your computer


      A friend of mine recently had a young son pass away.  She wants to digitally capture his cell phones outgoing voicemail message.  She thought it was funny, and was a perfect example of his personality.  I wanted to help her do this, besides holding a microphone next to a phone receiver and losing a lot of audio quality.

      I was thinking of using Skype to call his phone, which would play his outgoing message.  This way I already have it in a digital format, which should be better than the mic to phone solution.  My problem is that Im not sure how to capture that audio while its being played on my computer.  I know its possible, but Im not sure how.  Can someone please help?

      Also, if using Skype isnt the best way, Im open to other suggestions.

Thanks in advance!

Answer : Problem: How to record any audio coming through your computer

Hi Krash_io  what you need is to record what you hear in your pc speakers.
MP3myMP3 Recorder (free) works directly with your system sound card - if you can hear it, you can record it!
After you install in the source pur stereo mix then in the settings put 120 minutes
play any sounds an mp3 file just to test if it is picking up from your speakers when the graph moves your ready, play your recording adjust the vol if necesary hit stop then save as mp3
Another audacity
Best wishes
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