Question : Problem: Looking for a high performance gaming video card

Greetings wise wizards of EE:
I have just puchased a Dell Inspiron 530 2.66 GHz quad-processor desktop PC, with 4 GB of RAM, with the intention of general use operations, AND some intense 3-D gaming. Dell only offered 256 MB video cards, so I chose integrated graphics, so that I could install a new video card myself. The system has PCI express and PCI Express 16 expansion slots.
I myself am not very knowledgable on good, general use video cards... I'm willing to pay in the $150-$200 range for a graphics card... can anyone recommend a quality manufacturer and model for a graphics card?
Many thanks in advance,

Answer : Problem: Looking for a high performance gaming video card

if you want to play fallout3 on top graphics then the hd4850 will do the job. The 8800 and 3xxx series amd cards are mid range but arnt much cheaper than the 4850. They should also do the job but you may have to turn a few settings down depending on other hardware.

Bare in mind you can pick up a good enough psu for about £50 (so im guessing about 60 dollars or so).

However it will be hard as a 300W PSU its pretty weak im afraid. Im not sure what you need even for a mid range card. I would recomend a 500W PSU even with mid range cards in this day and age.
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