Question : Problem: Desktop streches outside the screen on startup

I recently bought a new widescreen lcd for my desktop, and set its resolution to 1280 x 768, which shows my desktop & pictures with the right aspect... One problem is, every once in a while, when I turn on my pc, the desktop expands way bigger & outside the edges of the screen. Just like the expand screen on multiple-monitors. I need to move the mouse to the right & bottom edges of the screen to see the rest of my desktop.

The resolution setting remains the same. The problem fixed when I just change the resolution to something else for couple times, then change back to what it was.. but this keeps happening every once in a while, so it's kindda annoying.. still can't figure out what's wrong..

Tried to configure the resolution with registry, but didn't help.

Answer : Problem: Desktop streches outside the screen on startup

i would return it and have a warranty replacement..
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