Question : Problem: USB ports being recognized as 1.1 instead of 2.0


When I plug a thumb drive (or anything else) into the USB ports on the front of my box, I generally get the following message:
This device can perform faster.
This USB device can perform faster if you connect it to a Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port.
For a list of available ports, click here.

The thing is, these should be USB 2.0 ports.

When I click on that message, I get a window with a tree with two nodes at the root:
- SiS PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller
   - USB Root Hub (6 ports)
      Unused Port
      Unused Port
      Unused Port
      Unused Port
      Unused Port
      Unused Port
- NEC PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller (B1)
   - USB Root Hub (5 ports)
      Unused Port
      Unused Port
      Unused Port
      Unused Port
      Unused Port

Both the "USB Root Hub" lines are bold, and the window indicates "The hubs shown in bold type have free ports that can support the HI-SPEED USB device." There are no ports listed in the tree that are not under a bold hub entry.

I have a USB 2.0 card in the box and this generic hub (which claims to be a 2.0 hub) plugs into that and provides four ports on the front of my box in a 5 1/4-inch bay.

The USB card is about 6 years old, and is part of my system because the previous motherboard had only two USB ports on it. (That motherboard was replaced about three years ago with a new Asus model.) The hub is also about 6 years old. USB 2.0 was certainly the standard by that time.

At one point in the past, I managed to click (somewhat randomly, perhaps) through something and the hub ports started behaving like 2.0 ports, but that's no longer the case.

Is there some simple setting I can tweak to make these things behave properly?


Answer : Problem: USB ports being recognized as 1.1 instead of 2.0

Possibly the easiest way to do this would be to delete both the hubs from Device Manager and then restart the computer and allow Windows to detect and reinstall the drivers correctly.
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