Question : Problem: Problem with securing video for iphone playback

Hello, im post here for some help/support with iphone. My problem is im trying to secure a video (.mov and .m4v) file on a windows 2003 web svr. I enabled the secure feature on the web svr and everything is working fine. Im propped for a login when I hit the link to the video file on my windows/mac and on the iphone its self. Now here is where I need the help. The video plays fine on the windows/mac, however on the iphone after I enter my account info it takes me to the video player and tries to load the video. Then it response back "This movie could not be played". After I got the message the first time, I turned the secure feature off and it played fine& im suck and dont know what the problem is. Has anyone experience this before/know what the problem is.

The video is secured using a basic authentication with password sent in clear text using windows IIS services. Anyone know if .htaccess using Apache will play nice with the iphone.

So here is more detail. I have a Video file available on a web server that can be viewed from a external web user (external to my web server, so from anywhere in the world). I want to somehow secure the video file, so user will have to enter a login and password to view the video. It works fine on the windows/mac machine, but the real reason Im doing it is for the iPhone.

Thank you for your time&

Answer : Problem: Problem with securing video for iphone playback

Best guess is that the iPhone is firing up a seperate application (Quicktime?) to play the video and it doesn't share credentials with Safari.  Since it needs credentials to access the file and doesn't have them it fails.

Most desktop browsers open the media file in the same application via a plug-in.

Not 100% sure this is right (don't own an iPhone) and I'm not quite sure what could be done to fix it.  Do you have web server logs from when an iPhone has failed to open the movie file?

Dave Dietz
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