Question : Problem: Mixing PCI-E SCSI and Onboard SATA RAID

I'm attempting to create a backup server aside from my live file server. Using linux and rsync, getting files to the server for backup is no sweat. However, i'm using an LSI Logic PCIe 4X Scsi Controller and an external LTO3 tape. When I use both my integrated SATA Raid1 and the PCIe controller, the bios freaks and says only one can be installed and ignores the SCSI.

I'd imagine im going to have to go with a different motherboard. Bios updates and such made no diff.
Current board is a cheapy ECS w/ AMD/ATI RS690.. using AMD X2 5200+ w/ 4GB DDR2 Ram

What board should I move to to get away from this type of problem? I need to maintain ATX w/ onboard graphics and SATA RAID. Hope to keep the proc and ram , too.

Answer : Problem: Mixing PCI-E SCSI and Onboard SATA RAID

It will be something to do regarding there not being enough memory available to shadow both BIOS's from both RAID cards.

"Owing to the limited usable space of the shadow memory, some of the equipment is not able to be enabled when there are several equipment having an operation read only memory, such as the interface card, are installed in the computer."
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