Question : Problem: Port Forwarding Trouble

Hi peeps, anyway i'm using an Aztech DSL 305EU Modem which connects to the internet. And from that router, i connect it to my Linksys Wireless Router [BEFW11S4] . And from the wireless router, i connect it to my computer.. All is wired, no wireless involved.

Here's the question, i've did all the things needed in the port forwarding page but my ports is still not open. I've assign a static ip for my pc. I have a feeling The Aztech router needs to be enable for the port forwarding too , so on that modem too i did open ports. But the ports are'nt opening.. i need help on this. Ask me what ever is needed. Screenshots will be provided too if needed. Thanks.3

Answer : Problem: Port Forwarding Trouble

what you are trying to do may not be possible - if I understand correctly.  That DSL router is what is currently retaining your public IP address.  Therefore, the Aztec needs to forward the ports to your internal address.  You may not have access to the Aztec to do this, but from what I could find it appears possible:

Your main options:

configuring the Aztec to forward the port(s) to your internal IP

if you have more than one IP (static) assign one to the Aztec, assign one to your LinkSys, and within the LinkSys setup the forwarding (and assign the LinkSys' gateway the IP of the Aztec)

it may or may not be possible, but if you can passthrough the Aztec and do all of the PPPoE on the LinkSys, you should also be able to setup all the forwarding on the LinkSys.

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