Question : Problem: Best way to develop reporting system for remote users?

This is a general question regarding a database/reporting system for remote users. The situation is as follows:

20 remote users can access company network through VPN & wireless broadband
I have available Crystal Reports 10, MS Access '03, Infopath '03, and Citrix
Approximately 30 back-end tables with financial and time-in-transit data are MS SQL which will be accessed by the remote users to run reports that I have to develop. The reporting system will likely sit on the network and will be accessed with Citrix.

My question is in your opinion, would a better method be to developing a reporting system for remote users using Crystal Reports 10, or MS Access on Citrix with possibly Infopath? I've used Access quite a bit, but not for remote users and I'm not familiar with Crystal Reports 10 so I don't know if it can even support 20+ users concurrently in a remote situation. I'm looking for easiest set-up and it needs to be robust. I am a newbie at this so please let me know if anymore info is needed.

Answer : Problem: Best way to develop reporting system for remote users?

Ok....I'm misunderstanded...I thought you had "developers" out in the field that CREATED / DEVELOPED reports for you. you want USERS to have VPN access to your reports.

I guess you would create all of your reports using CRYSTAL REPORTS...and also using SQL Server. The reason I say both is that you'll be better served if you CREATE SQL Logic that will pull all of the base table data together...THEN...use Crystal to FORMAT the data for final presentation.

I would NOT recommend Reporting I believe Crystal is a much more powerful product.


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