Question : Problem: How to replace and configure HP Netserver LP 1000r HDDs?

This question relates back to another question I asked regarding this server.  The original question is here: .

I received 2 new HDDs.  The question is:
How do I install them?

The server is still up and running and we can of course shut it down temporarily but how do I go about replacing these drives without losing everything?

To be honest I am not even sure how to tell which physical drive is bad once I open up the case.

Is there a certain software I am going to need in order to configure these replacement drives?

Ideally I would like to have one of the two replacement drives mirroring the current working drive and then have the additional HDD as extra storage.

Any help would be appreciated.

Answer : Problem: How to replace and configure HP Netserver LP 1000r HDDs?

Please take a look at the link in my original post and you will see an image I posted showing that there are 2 red lights on the server indicating that 2 of the 3 HDD's are bad.

I don't know HOW bad meaning I don't know if they can be reconfigured but the red lights are on and steady.

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