Question : Problem: Recover Terminal Server Licenses from Hard drive Image

Our server running Microsoft Server 2003 Standard crashed and we had to get the hard drives sent off for data recovery.  In the mean time, I had to reload the server from scratch.  Everything is up and running fine, except that ~7 months ago a tech service installed a 5 cal pack for terminal server on our server.  I have all of the files back from the old server.  Is their a way to extract the licenses from the old hard drive?

Answer : Problem: Recover Terminal Server Licenses from Hard drive Image

Not with a server reload; the TS licenses are tied to the server on which they were activated and can not be moved to another machine.
The solution is to make sure you have your paper license at hand, then choose "Activate by phone" in the TS license management console, and call the Microsoft Clearinghouse; they should issue you new licenses.
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