Question : Problem: my Dell 9100 dimension
i have a dell 9100 dimension. recently!! whenever i turn it on the light starts to flash amber and the computer does nothing else
Answer : Problem: my Dell 9100 dimension
Sorry for the misinformation. Here is the proper page for troubleshooting this issue for the 9100 http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/dim9100/en/SM/adtshoot.htm#wp1054148 The flashing amber power light indicates the computer is recieving power but there may be a power problem internally. If you have a spare known good PSU, change out the PSU. Still not working?At this point you should remove all cards and start the cmputer with the bare minimum such as CPU,one module of Ram(if there is more than one installed),and Video card as the only components attached. If it starts with this configuration, add the hard drive, then one by one any cards. that were removed. If at any point the computer fails to start after adding a component, that component should be considered the probem.
If the PC fails with the bare minimum then reseat the ram, and remove the video card, There should be a beep code indicating no video. If no beep then remove ram. This should also give a beep code indicating no ram. If that does nothing, it leaves the CPU, and motherboard.