Question : Problem: Problems with Citrix and GMail

Gmail has recently been blocked on our system.

The company that we outsource our IT to claim that people using GMail are causing very high CPU loads on the Citrix servers. They have gone as far as saying that one single user using Gmail can eat up 80%-90% of the CPU cycles.

I'm not sure whether to believe this or not, as I have no experience of either Citrix or GMail.
Does this sound plausable, or is this just an excuse given by a company that does not know what it is doing?


Answer : Problem: Problems with Citrix and GMail

Hi mr880,

I would ask for clarification.  Using Gmail via Webmail causes this type of CPU usage?  Using GoogleTalk or Gmail notifier?  I can understand the latter two applications, possibly, but if they are alleging that using gmail within IE in a Citrix session consumes this amount of CPU, I would be hesitant and looking for new Citrix consultants...

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